Thursday, February 25, 2010

Stitching and Magazines

This is the mainly finished first piece from my workshop series with Michele Eastwood, Memories in Stiches. I have a few small things to finish, then I am planning on taking it to the Barbara Caldwell workshop at Ballarat and see what else I feel like doing with it. I want to do some mark making...not sure what yet.
Some nice fabric I found for my next project with Michele.
The latest, Cloth Paper Scissors (actually it's the Jan/Feb issue) had these great little people by Elaine Thomas. Not a magazine I would usually purchase, but it had a couple of things which peaked my curiosity.
Don't forget, if you live in Perth, The Thread Studio are having their first ever warehouse sale on Saturday and Sunday....something not to be missed. And just think of all the friends you are guaranteed to run into. I will be there early with bells on.

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